Updated Sunflowers

I experimented more with the design on the flower logo. I touched on different shapes and came up with some ideas for when colour is brought into the picture. This blog post continues on from here.

I wanted to try and get a variation of different sunflowers and I ended up making a couple of daisy looking pictures as the overall shapes of the two flowers are similar. I experimented with the sizing of both the disks inside and the petals of each flower design and came up with a few concepts other than what I already had. I also wanted to try and redraw my first concept because one, it was originally a very small drawing and two, the petals were uneven.

The top 3 were based more on the sunflower and the bottom were more on the daisy. With these drawn concepts I think my favourite is still the one I started with but when colour is added that whole idea could possibly change.

When looking at ways to colour in the first swirly design I made on last week’s blog post I was suggested to look at Ken Done and his work. The idea was to essentially give an outline of colour that followed the lines that were already there in the shapes. These pictures below are probably the closest I can come to showing what I mean by that.

The Opera House on the first one has one line on the 3 middle half domes. The colour is only on the one side but it works well. On the other picture the outlining is very different with every single thing being outlined with colour. Personally I would lean more towards the coloured outlining showed in the first image. So it is something I will experiment with when adding colour to the end result.

I decided to play around with yellow first up as that is the main colour that comes to mind when you think of a sunflower. I experimented with having an outline and not having one and other small details.

There was too many designs at that point so I decided to narrow it back down before continuing. In relation to the top 6 images I took away the top middle as it kept reminding me of the sun symbol in the Disney movie Tangled. I took away the one on the top right as the middle was way too big compared to the rest and most importantly the starting image and the next ones I took away were the last two images (being the bottom middle and bottom right) as they were both lacking to me and too similar. They were both too much like daisies.

So I was left with 3 major designs and I went from there. I already had each design in yellow so I tried orange, green, red and blue for some variation as the client had said she had wanted to see many colour variations.

I also tried colouring the pen drawn flower (right) by using a method that gave a similar look to the artist mentioned above. Except I painted only one side of the petals to give it colour without it looking too weird because of the open shapes the flower has. This was done using the magic wand tool and then taking that selection to another layer and painting those selections carefully using a drawing tablet and a brush that I had previously downloaded called ‘Brush Tool MH 8B Brush 5 1 1’.

The second (middle) design looked slightly weird compared to the other flowers so I decided to clean it up using photoshop. I used the magnetic lasso around the outline and then coloured it black with the paint tool, after that I selected the inverse and deleted anything in that area to ensure the design was clean and there wasn’t any random spots or blotches that I didn’t want in the picture as it was originally image traced from my drawing.

The first design (left) of the 3 is not shown in the yellow colour above because it took me many tries at making a digital version and when I had finally conquered the design it was too late. To make the digital version I had to redraw it to a bigger size and then once I had that I used it as a guide and created the outline of the petals with the pen tool in Illustrator. After that I created a random swirl using the curvature pen tool to mimic the original design I had drawn. I used this method of creating it as no image tracing or other options would work for me and that was my last thought to make it. If that process didn’t work I most likely would have scrapped that intricate sunflower design.

Because I decided to try out multiple colours of each design I decided it would be best to show them through a google drive link instead of as pictures as there is quite a lot of them.

The google drive folder is here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5QKi6YNdQxLd1VLU3lBX1pramc&usp=sharing

I initially didn’t know if I was going to do as many colours as I did but I figured it would be easier to see what worked and what didn’t if I did.

Personally my eye is drawn towards the 3rd design of flower which I also like to call the ‘pen flower’. I liked how the colours worked on this design and how any of the colour wasn’t overpowering. It also gave a very fluid and organic feel to the design. Because of the particular brush I used in photoshop the colours turned out less opaque and I think that works better for that particular design. and doesn’t give the cut off of the petals a weird and broken look.

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